Wham Bam Thank You Scam

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This is my story of how I was scammed and how I then traced the scammers to Thailand… …and then paid them a visit.
Many viewers have said that they would like to contribute something and if you feel it has saved you or someone you know from being scammed or even if you just enjoyed it, please feel free to help out –
If you would like to send me a private message you can reach me at whamscam@yahoo.com.

63 Comments on “Wham Bam Thank You Scam”

  1. I honestly did not expect to watch this entire video. The suspense and your adventure to find these assholes really got me into it. I am truly sorry for your loss..

    1. cindybin2001 censoring other people or trying to make people censor themselves is not mature or pleasant and only gives what you are censoring more power.

    2. cindy. I’m sure you’re a sweetheart…but “assholes” ..is that your crude language? Maybe i missed something, or there’s a deleted comment with ‘rich semen balls smothered in peasant fat”…i dunno. I still admire your pure heart

    1. of course they know. they just pretended they dont know as the staffs had no authority in the matter. hsbc is a fraud itself.

    2. The two ladies in the office he was directed to knew *exactly* what he was talking about. … He had been told by the bank he needs a police report/court order, so it was clear from the start he’d get nowhere without it.


    1. LakH ViRa write your disparaging comment in Chinese and we’ll discuss your point. 你真的是个骄傲傻瓜。

  2. HSBC was caught, for handling a staggering $376bn  from Mexican drug cartels and got a slap on the wrist fine of two billion dollars US dollars

  3. Sure he wants too make his documentry as a average person, however if ur going to deal with banks, companys and foreign police about money you need to look perfetional. 3 simple things could have escelated this matter legaly..
     step1 – dress like u respect ur money and not a tourist, … step2 – take a tall (imposing) friend who whispers in ur ear at key conversational points (when ever u get a no or a yes) they will assume u have information they do not and want to cut a deal… step3 ask ur embassy for a trusted interpreter to hire and make sure they wear a different coloured tie (they will notice the differance and give up secrets to the interpreter with a heafty dose of nationalism)
    You are now ready to deal with foreign bank ..

    1. Sassy, ignore the low life. They’re just jealous that they’re not smart enough to think of these things. Between them they might come up with half a brain. And just to add what you said, dressing professionally (in any situation) will give you a look of authority while commanding respect.

    2. Yes dressing like a tourist and not having an interpreter is a big No-No any person with half a brain knows. Perhaps that is why mr. Jones got scam in the first place. I know it doesn’t sound nice but it’s the truth

    3. Good advices. I would surely think about using them, if I weren’t too desperate at the moment.

    1. Thomas Zabel probably the people who think “how the flip can you fall for a cheap scam like that?!”

    2. Even if they think that, where in their life did they lose the ability to feel for another person’s loss? “Ha-ha, you got scammed and you deserved it”. What a nice world this builds up to be when people carry that thought and enjoy it.

  4. What a great story with a UGH ending but still, it was so invigorating.  Your journey was one of of sheer courageousness and it ROCKED. I hope the money they stole slips thru their fingers and that your money is restored some other way.  This video sure is a blessing to others.

    1. Kemba – You have good thoughts, Kemba.  Maybe the Lord will give him his money back in some other way. Bless you.

    2. Kemba Cofield He left out the blind greed part and paid the price..nothing inspiring about stupidity and greed.

  5. i watched it all hoping the thieves would be caught in the end ..nevertheless, excellent direction and narration Mr. Jones

  6. I think you need some more help . I live in Thailand , and you need to pursue this , I am Irish American , I live in Hua Hin Thailand , I am a friend of the chief of police here , so , I will give you my email . You would not be alone here if you decided to make a part two of this video ,, my email is ,,,,,,, redzone017@gmail.com ,, I could be another straw to clutch

    1. in before “we think we found him but cannot get passed his security, found a ex criminal that helps the tai police sometimes, he says he get us in but he wants ~$10,000AUD, if you can forward that to us we’ll have him in no time”

    2. david heaslip The filmmaker is greedy and stupid, there is no help you can provide that can change that, no matter who you know in Thailand.

    3. Make sure hire a couple off duty soldiers. Beat the craps out of him before get your money back. If nothing left, just cut off his tongue and arms to let him live in misery.

    1. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. I took your comment as a joke. But nice to see that the straight face got you.

    2. Metallkopf well you don’t need to hire in that country or place just go to onion sites for assassination and you can hire hitmans there

  7. Wow, Kieth, I am so sorry for your loss and the amount of life time you have spent pursuing your case. I must say your documentary style of filming is exceptional and kept me watching with interest and suspense throughout. I do hope you find justice and these scumbuckets are brought down. Karma should prevail. Have a great day, and keep your spirits high. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks for your message, unfortunately it’s not as easy as people think to sell a single doco. I spent quite a long time trying to get interest out of broadcasters and agents with no luck, which is why in the end I posted it on YouTube.

    2. Keithy Baby I really thought , initially that you was an investigative journalist and I must admit ,that was a riveting documentary .
      I think on principle you should not let this lie and still try and track those scammers..
      A second documentary follow up would be amazing.
      All the best from England .

    3. Keithy Baby Netflix has been known to take on singles, even some first shown on YouTube. Well done documentary, I hope it does the job you want.

    4. I know a guy that was taken for a mere $11,600.00. He managed to pinpoint their location using much the same technique you did. Essentially leading them on to think that there was an even bigger potential payday. It took him a few weeks but eventually caught up with two Jamaicans living on the other side of the country. He rented a motel close by and took notes on their routine. He knew when they would be out and was able to seize that moment and gain entrance into their apartment where he was able to recover nearly $4000K. He also trashed the apartment and wrote his name in paint all over the walls so they knew who was there. They got off easy as he had every intention of removing them from life.

    5. @Keith Baby
      This is most likely a longshot but your Documentary was made some years ago SO maybe NOW the technology exists with Google Voice where one could input those Scammers Voices for Voice recognition – Some Tech Wizkid is bound to know their way around stuff like that, because you can be sure those Voices(Meta data) are being saved with or without our Knowledge somewhere on a server belonging to Google or whomever…..

  8. You were lucky you weren’t murdered. I grew up in Thailand. They could have you killed for something like $100 . You should have gone to the Thai mafia, they would have gotten your money back or at least everything these crooks had. Good video.

  9. even legit Investment firms will screw you over.. what were you expecting from fly by night “investors “?

    1. I lived in a big house with all my friends and always brought muffins home from work for everyone, one friend seeing the muffins would always make a comment about a visit from “The McMuffin” another of my friends is a cartoonist and made me a character in his zine The crazy tales of McMuffin…

  10. the banking system can be traced back to the rothschilds. i’m sure HSBC has a connection to that disgusting family and their ideals. hang the bankers..they are the ultimate scammers.

  11. *HSBC launders more money then any other bank.* They will screw you down to your credit card with little tricks to lower your score and charge hidden fees.

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