CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Thailand jet ski scam exposed!!!

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Pattaya Beach jet ski scammers captured on video extorting tourists for bogus damage. Thailand Undercover captured the entire event on video!

70 Comments on “CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Thailand jet ski scam exposed!!!”

  1. +russianAAA 
    Simply dont visit countrys like that…..instead of visit Greece or Balkans (Europe)….there are no scams and no thieves in the tourist zones while the police and the people there are really nice…..

    1. i might be the only one disliking this, because i know the truth, truth be told Thailand isn’t bad if it weren’t for the scammers and corrupted polices. I am a Thai myself and I enjoy going to the countrysides, but once i spot a scam that’s when i lose my temper… Such a paradise going to waste

    2. All these top comments have something in common. They are all oblivious to the fact that second world countries are poor and people will do desperate things to survive. Imagine having no food for 3 days and you know some visitors at your town have some in their hand, what would you do if they refused to give you some of their food? What would you do if you had a baby who’s health was dropping from malnutrition? 

    3. lol have you been to bulgary? it’s a fuking jungle, you pay for the parking in the hotel parking space but the hotel is not responsable if something hapens to your car
      you get ripped off and the police laugh at the situation, and i mean just laugh, they don’t even have common sense
             also there are scamers there, and be aware of violent theifs
       also cases of raped tourist girls have been reported, and we all know that not all cases of rape are reported so if there is enough to catch my atention, there are a lot more in reality           

  2. I had the same problem with a Thai prostitute, although my hard shagging probably did cause a bit of damage 

    1. Nah, in your case the damage really was there before you rode her, trouble is, now you have the same damage, and your wife has it, your girlfriend and whomever else has had the misfortune of having taken the spit from your blue veined custard pumper.

  3. Been to Thailand twice, last time nearly twenty years ago.  Was scammed continuously while there both times (minor ones compared to this).  Would never return.  Its the official land of scammers.

    1. Right its stupid, tourists go there to throw money away like water. They almost want to give it away. Why scam people and hurt the tourist industry when they can just make people happy and get much richer than scamming. Trashy mafia

    1. Thats what I was thinking, have your buddies ask to go in a ride later and instead take the jetskies down the shore and wreck them near your waiting taxi-ride. Haha take that losers!

    2. They are all already living in extreme poverty. You would have to be heartless to do that. Anyone coming from first world country to a second(Thailand) or third world should be prepared for stuff like this and a little understanding.  

    3. 1GoldRunner Extreme poverty. They have themselves to thank for that. Slow lazy racist cunts that they are.

    4. They take your passport while renting these, that is why they have so much leverage and people are forced to pay them, because if they don’t they can’t leave the country.

  4. Everybody should prepare themselves better when going on holiday anywhere in the world even here in England.

    When you don’t know the language the custom  and everything is a mystery it does not matter where you are Tourists are grade A meat for the Scammers.

     From the minute you get in the TAXI to your HOTEL and when SHOPPING or IN A BAR your a target

     From the minute they hear your English , American , Middle Eastern accent your a target and you will pay twice the price for virtually everything over the locals .

     They pray on the weakest to the smallest there is no discrimination when it comes to money,  simply because they know its easier for you to pay your way out of a potential threat when in a strange and hostile situation on holiday.

     The Scammers know you don’t come on holiday with just a few pennies.

    Do not expect the same level of service from authority that you get when your in your OWN country and know the Rules and Regs and where to get REAL help and i don’t mean the police

    1. +MacKenzie McDermott That would be “we” Brits, not “us” Brits. The Grammar Nazi has spoken.

  5. I was in Pataya – Coral Islands early December, 2014, I forgot my wallet in washing room, when I returned the guy returned me the wallet, and all money was there……so its not that bad, there are honest and good people too….

    1. +Snow Crow I have to say I agree that most people are honest! I left my wallet with camera etc. on a bus in Guanajuato, Mexico..Mexican guys helped us call the bus and even took us to the bus station across town to retrieve it hours later and wouldn’t take any money for helping us! Also left backpacks at restaurants in at least 3 different places in Thailand including Bkk, Chiang Mai and Pataya and always had some nice waitress running down the street to return it to us! Yes we have become more aware over the years thank you ))), however these are bastard criminals blatantly ripping off unsuspecting tourists!!!!! BAD BAD karma!!!!

    2. Most people in Thailand are honest. The problem is that the the few people that are dishonest are allowed to continue their crimes because the police is corrupt and the honest people accept the situation and don’t care enough to make a big change.

    1. +Michael Carranza I thought hell always burned, is there a icy hell or a cold one that I didn’t knew about?

    2. +Michael Carranza That’s the way to go….infinite punishment for a finite crime…better to give them a taste of their own medicine and be teacher instead of the torturer.

    1. Wow what a loser. lol. Changing your plans to visit this beautiful amazing country over a video of one area that’s know for being seedy.

    2. u should still go. it’s big fun. I promise. if u want to rent a jet ski or motorbike, take pictures of it and ALL the scratches. that makes them nervous. it doesn’t happen at every rental place. just be careful.

    1. +Denis If you do that then the cops will show up and tell you that you have to pay them money though. You will probably have to pay more as well since you now have to pay both the beach boys and the cop.

  6. It also happened to me in Koh Larn island. Same story , same scenario with police man, I`ve started calling British embassy in Thailand and they got little bit worried.., did show them similar video on YouTube , spent like nearly 3h arguing. Did hide all my money, and bank cards in my socks, lefted 2000 bht in the wallet. I end up paying 1500 bht and got free lift by motorbike taxi to the nearest boat port

    You need to deal with them hard. If you soft you pay a lot more. One Russian couple before me end up paying 20.000 BHT , they were crying on the beach… Lack of English don`t help either if you can`t communicate you`ll pay.

    I will never ever rent a jet ski in Thailand, be careful with motorbikes and scooters too as they also tried to scam me (Pattaya Soi 13/3!)

  7. I went to Thailand last year…. i was about to rent a jet ski because it seems quite fun and then my friend came after me, whispered me if he needs to talk bit away… he told me not to rent a jet ski because he red all the scam things, i insisted — he told me, i could rent the jet ski but if i finally get scam he wouldn’t help at all.. Thank’s i canceled my plan!

  8. Been all over Thailand for the past week and a half. Have loved every minute of it. Use your head, and be street smart and you will have a great time. Just know that these are poor poor people. Be cautious, do your research and don’t carry a ton of cash or your credit cards on you if you are going to shady areas. Always negotiate price. People who are too scared to deal with different cultures shouldn’t travel. That’s part of the thrill of Thailand!

    1. Meredith,not all are poor and a lot are Thai mafia wi Backing of Boys in Brown i/e Pattaya Thai police. Be sensible and if its too good to be true it defo is,say no thanks and walk away.Peace.

    2. You tell ’em sista!
      Getting kidnapped is just the thrill of it all! Hell, it’d be a thrill if they harvested my organs as well!
      “Whew, remember that one time they stole my kidney? That was great fun!”

    3. Your whopping ONE WEEK of observations gives you zero insight. People scam and steal because they are GREEDY, not because of poverty!! MOST Thai people are far more ethical, more honorable than street thugs working for crime syndicates. You pointed out the obvious do and do not’s but simply avoiding Thailand with our tourism dollars and pounds is the best long lasting cure!

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