Visit Germany – The DON’Ts of Visiting Germany

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Germany is an amazing country to visit & travel through, this video covers the things that tourists and travelers shouldn't do when they are visiting Germany.
Filmed in Munich, Germany
Copyright Mark Wolters 2016
The Don'ts of Visiting Germany
1. Don't Assume German Are The Cold Stereotypes You Have Heard of Your Whole Life.
2. Don't Jaywalk, so follow the rules in Germany.
3. Don't Forget the Pfand or deposit that you may put down for beer mugs, bottles, cans and other things. You can get that money back.
4. Don't forget to bring flowers or a small gift when visiting a German's home. Also, don't wear your shoes inside their homes.
5. Don't be disrespectful at the Nazi concentration camps and memorials around the country.
6. Don't Wait: when at restaurants or bars order as soon as you can as waiters do not come through to check on tables as often as they do in other countries.
7. Don't Experiment on Driving on the Autobahn. It can be very dangerous for first time drivers.
8. Don't Expect to Shop on Sundays in Germany.
9. Don't forget to bring cash. Germans love to pay in cash and some places will only accept cash. So be ready.
10. Don't expect to see just half timbered houses in Germany. It is a thriving modern country with tons of amazing culture, architecture and technology.

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What to Eat When You Visit Germany

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94 Comments on “Visit Germany – The DON’Ts of Visiting Germany”

    1. Selbst wenn du alle Wörter zu seinen Opern kennst, ist es
      selten geeignet, bei Wagner-Aufführungen mitzusingen.

    1. Arsch Geweih who Said that? Germans are down to earth people. Okay maybe a bit naive but yeah. Germany ist filled with refugees…

    2. Arsch Geweih . I’m German lol but since you’re living it damn. I moved to California which ist a good/bad thing but my friend who still in Germany updates me. Refuges have no respect to our home land

  1. Usually, you call the waiters to come to your table in restaurants. For us, it is pretty impolite if waiters “annoy” you at your table every 5 minutes… So don’t hesitate to wave at them for signalling that you’re ready to pay/order/…

    1. I’m American, and a waiter. I wish it was normal for people to just signal for service, it isnt rude, its helpful and probably much more comfortable for yourself.
      I always worry about attending somebody’s table too much, as I’ve experienced being annoyed by waiters asking “howz tHe fOod” every 5 minutes while I’m trying to eat and talk to my girlfriend

    1. Peyton Morgan Johnson Everyone has a dark side of their past. My country in the 17th century did not belong to peace advocates. We created the “Riders of the Apocalypse”. That’s what “Lisowczyk” was called – mercenaries from Poland. They stole, murdered and raped from the River Rhine to the river Ob.
      As for the Holocaust, it is because it says that the Jewish lobby operates effectively. There is no mention of the Soviet Union because in the times of the greatest purge the Jews were predominant in the NKVD. An example of the falsification of history is a film called “the Resistance”. There was no word about how the Jewish partisan murdered the village of Naliboki. I recommend the book of Professor Norman Finkelstein “Holocaust industry”. As for the rest, I agree with you.

    2. Knilz what bullshit? Maybe that somehow you will enrich your knowledge. I was not in the class with you and I could not tell what exactly you were told at school and how many lessons. As Professor Topolski said, the narrative counts. Just now you have to talk about it as the last witnesses die.

    3. Elias011203 TF2
      I saw bigger scams. The 1970 agreement is not a peace treaty. Show me only a peace treaty between Poland and the Third Reich. There is no Prussia, but the Prussian mentality and Prussians remained – Eine besser wissende Mentalität.. Some people can not draw conclusions and do not think about the consequences because they think they know better. If they are in power, it gets bad. I base my knowledge on what I learned in my studies, I have a large library, and I send links because I do not have digital books in English.
      Barack Obama had something else in mind.

    4. Ch the atoms bombs? Wasn’t that during WWII when the Germans murdered all those Jews? I think America was on the right side of that war, thank you.

  2. 1:12 no one cares if you cross against the light here. I never had the situation that anyone stopped me and I never saw it at another person as well. But, it’s just the example… i guess apart from that we like rules, indeed.
    Otherwise I have to agree with this list. ^^

    1. Its only noticable when there are little kids. People tend to lead with an example when smaller kids are there. (At least in my experience and my own behavior)

    2. Littleocht yes same or when someone is jaywalking to get their bus/tram whatever and doesn’t make it in time, people will laugh at you. At least that’s what I experienced many times and I have to say I don’t have a problem with that. German virtue of order I guess :’D

    3. Not true. When children are around you go with the lights so they learn when its safe to cross the road. When you are alone, then its fine to cross, even when its red. But don’t cross, when its red, when the police is around. You could get a ticket.

  3. A small addition to your “Don’t experiment on the Autobahn!” is a story I experienced: He drove in Germany and Spain and was shocked by the amount of hate, honking, flashing and beeing cut off. It took us about half an hour to find out that he didn’t know that in most European countries you may not choose the lane you drive in freely. You always have to drive as far right as possible.
    He must have had a terrible time before we found out what his problem was. He drove over 1000km driving american speeds on random lanes. I was really surprised I meet him alive after that trip. 😉

    1. You probably know that everyone has that personal space zone. The faster you driver the bigger that zone gets. Driving forward looking is key to not invade other peoples personal space! :-D. And because our cars are very valuable to us (and lots of people dont drive forward looking) theres lots of angry germans and honking on the streets. 😀

    2. Kuma After all, they need someplace to practice for when they’re rolling to the Channel again.

  4. You can also put your empty bottles and tincans on top of the next litter bin or besides it, because there are enough poor people who will collect them to get the deposit.

    1. I’ve never tried Käsekuchen, i’d like to make one and see how different it tastes from the Cheesecake i’m used to.

  5. Wait, so german don’t wear their shoes inside the house too. i thougt it was just an asian’s thing

    1. Khanh Ngoc Nguyen It’s a carry over from when Japan was allied with them. It’s just a tradition that stuck.

    2. LOOΠΔ is [my One&Only] love European is way too big. Stop using European as an identity it’s not accurate. In the Netherlands no one cares if you walk with your shoes in someones house.

    3. It’s a very personal thing for every family home, and it depends a lot on the circumstances (wheater, etc). Some people will want you to take off your shoes, but I guarantee some will not like it if you do.
      So just ask!
      To generalize it like in this video is just silly.

    1. Peter Lustig-Deutscher Patriot Never said they were all problematic but any leader that wants an open door migration policy does not have the best interests of their country in mind. Isn’t the EU set to essentially ban memes on the internet there.

    2. cannon26ify
      It is important to be able to distinguish between regular immigrants and people seeking asylum. If you send someone, who is in need of asylum away, you are practically giving them a death sentence. That is like leaving a person bleeding on the street without helping. They may make it, but if they die it is your (or in this case the countries) fault. Like «Unterlassene Hilfeleistung» but on a national scale.
      Of course it is important to teach all immigrants, including refugees, the rules and laws of the country. If they are not ready to respect the law and figuratively stab the person/country, who is trying to help them, in the leg, they obviously do not need help that badly.

  6. I visited Dachau when I was in Germany and oh my god there were so many disrespectful tourists there. It was absolutely disgusting.

    1. That’s why I don’t go there. My uncle was killed there. I hate this holocaust industry. Making a tourist attraction from human tragedy is disgusting.

  7. The name “Hitler” and “Nazi” in Germany it’s like “Voldermord” in Harry Poter movies. Anyone says his name and no one talk about him.

    1. That isn’t exactly true. I live in Germany and this topic isn’t forbidden at all. Just don’t accuse people of being Nazis

    1. Chomsavanh SINTHAVONG I love all it My friends too?religion,color,whatever,I don’t give a s… to that.Nobody should anyways.

  8. It’s SUPER rude to walk with your shoes on into someone’s house. But it’s not so obligatory to bring a present. It’s okay common, but not obligatory. We won’t mind at all.

    1. That shoe-thing is rather individual. I don’t mind if people leave the shoes on (neither do my parents or most of my friends).If you’re invited I’d suggest just asking your host whether or not they’d like you to leave your shoes.

    2. Also i Think even if you Leave your shoes on most poeple Wont Say anything and just clean when your goen XD if you Leave them on at least clean them of best as you can on the shoe rug Thing at the door (mostly outside)

    3. So around my town in Bavaria, not taking your shoes of is so rude, even if i get explicit permission it feel uncomfortable keeping them on. Also the bring a gift stuff is really important to me I always do it and always expect it. It’s like, yeah we can stay in your house and you have to clean up and stuff, so we want to give you something back. I think he got everything perfectly right in the vid, really great 😉

  9. you know you’re german when you’re waiting on a redlight at 3 am even though no car has passed you for the past hour

  10. addition to the autobahn:
    dont block lanes.
    We have no speedlimit so we are driving 170 to 250 km/h. If you dont drive these speeds keep to the right lanes. For the sake of your safety and the nerves of us germans.

    1. Holy crap that is fast! Here in the US our cars have governors (speed limiters) built in. So we can’t go over a certain speed. I’m from Pennsylvania and the fastest I go on the highway is about 85 mph (136 kph).

    2. Yeah 100 in some other states it’s not uncommon if your speed limit is higher. Anytime I travel to see my family in VA everyone around me ends up going near 100 while the speed limit is maybe 70 or up in the neighboring states. That’s the one thing I like about going on road trips.

    3. Willi Stenzel
      I’d formulate it like that: If you are not currently overtaking another car, drive on the right lane. Then if there’s a truck going slow 100kmh, you can go one lane left. Don’t hug the left lane.

      The way he’s talking about the autobahn is very weird for me, i just got my driver’s license and driving on the autobahn is the easiest of all tasks.

  11. Thank You so mutch Sir ! It was very interisting to heare what they say about us. Now I‘m a bit proud to be a german ??

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