31 Comments on “Migrants running apartment scams in Germany”

    1. Those apartments are government owned and meant to be given to people based on need. Having some shady character profiting off a publicly owned good is obviously illegal and unethical. It also means somebody who works for the housing authority is bumping people up to the front of the line rather than following the rules, based on personal profit. Both of them should be jailed for this scam!

    1. Of course it’s a “criminal Arab broker” and the miserable fucking welfare parasites are using welfare $ to commit criminal acts. So goddamn enraging to say the very least.

  1. That woman in charge wants to keep all the investigations “in house” meaning she is IN on the whole scheme. GO TO THE POLICE!! The tax investigators.

  2. Did anyone in Germany consider what kind of country they’ll have when these refugees start infiltrating the police, the courts, law firms and the constitutional court? Auf wiedersehen, law & order!!!!

  3. Muslims themselves running scam sure thing, they get the job inside housing commity and start using their position to run the scam…

  4. Oh dear, are the poor darlings being over charged? Aren’t they lucky they can get an apartment at all? I am sure many native Germans would be glad of them. Where does their money come from?

  5. The immigrant scammers rent out council houses in the uk and claim housing benefit for them at the same Time. Making £100’s of millions a year.

    1. Yep, that’s their mindset of plundering the unbelievers. Berlin is the city with the largest Turkish community outside of Turkey, and half of the Turks in Berlin are on welfare.

    1. Tom Neu
      Germans are in their vast majority (85% this year) AGAINST this mostly illegal immigration of mostly unqualified muslims. But what does our criminal government care?

  6. I bet the woman shown at the end gets a solid 5-25%, too. Otherwise she would call the police immediately, while the camera is still rolling.

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