Filipino Cupids10 MOST COMMON SCAMS Cherry Blossoms Dating Site & Christian Filipina Filipino Scams

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Filipino Cupids10 MOST COMMON SCAMS Cherry Blossoms Dating Site & Christian Filipina Filipino Scams


51 Comments on “Filipino Cupids10 MOST COMMON SCAMS Cherry Blossoms Dating Site & Christian Filipina Filipino Scams”

  1. Ok you guy’s want to meet the perfect girl on line, well you may but good luck 
    I did find and have been married 6 years now 
    but he is right if they ask for money, block and delete
    now after going to cebu 11 times and getting married on the trip  there, I would just go to cebu city, get a hotel room and go to the malls, stores and you will find girls, very nice girls, girls that are honest girls 
    the girls that have real jobs and are not spending all there time trying to scam you 
    Good Luck have fun it is a very nice place to go and there are lots of very good people there 

  2. Wow, what a barrage of insults to Filipinas…there are bad ones but don’t let one person’s opinion about “ALL OF THEM” fool you….there are a lot of good Filipinos here that only want a good man.  I’ve dated several of them and have learned how good they really are.  I am still good friends with all of them.  I’m not in a permanent relationship because I am being very selective, which is my right.  I have lots of patience.

    1. +eddie luther Everyone talks about the bad Filipina girls who scam the poor innocent foreign men but what about the other way around? How many foreign men come here to the Philippines to meet a girl for sex and then leave them? Why aren’t there videos on the arrogant men who prey on young women? The men who go on dating sites to try to find a women for sex deserve what they get and I love reading about foreign men who get scammed. They deserve it for being so stupid.

    2. …good point!  In Angeles City, it is rumored that many of those kind don’t survive. 

    3. my friend u are very un-educated or u live in a cave?  maybe u don’t see many young filipina’s on dating sites are scammers i have been many places in phil’s in 6 years of travelling and seen corruption first hand don’t think all filipina’s have angel wings my friend!!! if you think that you are a bigger fool then i thought? or maybe u stay in one barangay there and never travel anywhere ? you say i make a barrage of insults but they are well founded i don’t state things from a tom and jerry cartoon i am an honest and trustfull person.

    4. TsarNicholas, You do know that Filipino is a man an Filipina is a woman??!!
      You have just pronounced that you have fucked a man! OK..Up to you

    1. +NewLifeInPhilippines It appears he has been doing very well.  He was able to quickly liquidate Lucy and bag something much easier to look at.

    2. I don’t believe he has given her name.  

      But it’s irrelevant, even if he were alone.  As long as we are NOT living a gyno-centric lifestyle, it’s all good. 

    3. After watching your OLD videos … In your case… One thing is certain …you were a man on a mission…LOL

  3. Actually if talking about scamming, not only foreigners are victims some of us (filipina) are sometimes a victim also of some scammed from foreigner bf. Mostly they acting like they love the girl so much and if they catch the felling of the girl then they will make some dramas that they send package to the Philippines and it stranded to the warehouse and need it to be pay so that they can took the package. And yet the truth is there is no package at all.

    1. +Merly Parohinog the reality is many many,Filipinas get married to an American man come to America realize the man is poor Filipina files for divorce, gets alimony child support use the money goes to nursing school,finds another man and marries him…..NEVER trust Filipina, they play innocent but in the end the little brown beauty will exploit the man, trust me.

    2. +super blue think you get that type of person everywhere. There was a Storey not so long, maybe a year ago at most where some millionaire went to Philippines to marry some woman and lost both a milion pounds and the woman… how the hell she got 1 million pound off a guy who’s been smart enough t make it in the first place is beyond me.. could have had something t do with tax i guess but the point is, if ur going to be so bloody gullible, someone will be there read and waiting.. is there a country you know where this isn’t the case? :-)… and if you’re going in single minded you probably stick out like a sore thumb so you better make sure your intentions are good at least and you watch ur back 🙂

  4. It all went well for me ..I’m sure that’s not always the case but I’m happy with my marriage to a Filipina. Never had any B S . Still I agree buyer beware .. ha ha ha .
     Its common sense not to go for a girl whom boast about her breast ! …trust in God and find a humble simple girl and you will be blessed.

  5. Would you blame them? Look where and how they live. The environment and the condition they live in is horrible. Plus, their government doesn’t do anything if any to help them get out of their living condition at all. Besides, these women are selling their body to make a living. That in itself is horrible. Who is it to say that they don’t have horrible diseases. I am 1000% certain that in third-world countries good 50% of the population lives of off scamming the tourists and others. I would be surprised if you weren’t scammed by now visiting these countries. Simply put, these people don’t have many options in life being very very POOR. Plus, this is not NEW.

    Besides, I am confused…. what is the point of this video. Are you trying to warn your viewers to be careful when befriending them on the dating website? or Where to find the BEST TACO in the Philippines? Plus, 500 peso is not $500 or even $200 dollar… It is $10.73.

    1. +vasanthmuthu No I was referring to Brenda Rioja Because every once in a while you get a person in the Philippines that just doesn’t get it… And this woman appears to be one of those people that no matter what you argue with her about she comes up with some reason for an argument.

      Sorry if there was a misunderstanding but I have to go through several thousand comments a week and I only reply to very few but they are still in and of themselves confusing to remember who said what where and when… LOL

      Have a nice Easter and actually I did find a lady on this particular dating site that I have been communicating with for the last 3 months and she has NOT lied about anything or ask me for anything whatsoever so you might very well see her in the near future.

      Thanks again and have a great day

    2. 50% of the women out there are not selling their bodies or scamming the tourists. You have a percentage of prostitutes of course, bar girls, and scammers just like anywhere. But there are millions of good women out there who do not have diseases or are immoral sluts. They are just looking for a better life if they can find it and many of them will join sites or be open to meeting foreign men. You can actually find a very good wife finding one of these girls.

  6. im married to a Filipina there not all scammers a lot of Filipinas especially province girls are genuine so u cant tar them all with the same brush..your talking like there all the same and there not …

    1. whats the best way to get a simple province girl, 18-21. i’m american, in decent shape and in my 40s.

  7. Wake up dude! You’re an old man, not good looking or well kept and not well educated looking to date a young hot Filipino?…these people are living in poverty…yet you are pissed you get scammed? LOLOLOL!

    1. +L. J.P. Exactly,…they’re very crafty at pulling people in with their pitiful stories and promises of endless love, etc, etc….pay and they will stay..don’t and they’re gone baby!

  8. Dude, I lived in Thailand for a year on a student visa and chose not to have a Thai GF coz I did not want to deal with all this bullshit. In my mind, I thought behind the woman was her boyfriend hiding somewhere. It does not make sense that a young beautiful woman wants an old crusty guy. It don’t matter where in the world you are.

    1. +LarryFinklestein Not all old guys are crusty. Mr. Fazio may not have attracted a sweetie. Think about it, though. Given Mr. Fazio’s general outlook on life, his refusal to date any woman who has children, his tendency to comply, for example, with women’s requests to give their family’s money on first meeting them, I am little surprised that he has met no genuinely sweet, kind, pinays, and attracts scammers. I have experience as an older man seeking women under 45. Through no screening process, I’ve actually dated several pinays, and all but one are under 25. I could date many more, i.e., they are very eager to do so. If you want to date pinays – – – or thai girls, Africans, latin Americans, and unless you get extremely lucky, – – – you’re likely to get scammed a couple times. Unless you’re really stupid, you won’t lose your life savings. It’s part of the education to the activity. Pinays are the very sweetest, most beautiful women in the world. Of course there are some bitches and there some scammers, but by and large, over all, best possible match for western guys. Finally got my eyes on one. Gonna tie the knot, if we can get some minor legal matters settled.

    2. +Larry Finklestein
      Men as old as him is not after LONG term relationship but cheap sex with young girls. He is complaining to the world that he got screwed by these ladies. And we are suppose to feel sorry for him… lol….

    3. It appears to me that the guy is looking for companionship. Yes, he is taking advantage of the girls sub economic conditions so yes, he should know there are going to be pitfalls of getting involved with a woman who is far below your economic level. The relationship is a “value proposition” on both ends and the girl is going to get what she can out of the deal. I lived in Thailand for a year and I decided I did not want to be in a relationship and be responsible for the financial destiny of the girls entire family. Men get so “smitten” with the prospect of having a young and firm woman there to meet their sex and companionship needs that they lose sight of the big picture. My main point is that exploitation can be mutual.

  9. How old are you? 65? 70?no Young woman would marry you in your country…you want Something you cant get in your country, and you know very well there is a price to pay for that, you also know it s not love, and this is not what you want whatever…”WHAT THESE MORONS AND SMALL MINDED SIMPLETONS “you can insult anyone who disagree with your vision of 70 yo guy + 20 yo girl, be honnest and tell your true motivation behind. why do you want such a Young girl?

    1. Daniel Tynan Yeah, such an unexpected twist!

      Apparently this is a disappointment to these men, who naturally assumed these women would want them for their charming personalities and gorgeous bodies, and are shocked and appalled at these ladies’ interest in their finances.

  10. I am a close friend of Ken’s borrowing his computer and his YouTube Acct. I could not help from noticing your comments. I spent 7 years there working for the gov’t. Here’s the problem. You come from a place where the average hard-working person can earn a living, and with some education and training, earn an even better living. Part of what you do not realize is that in the RP an education at best puts you to work in a call center for maybe 10,000-20,000 pesos a month, or overseas, and then your family treats you, and expects gifts and support from you same as if you were a suitor looking to date a daughter.

    How old are you? Would you have let your sister date a guy your age when she was 19 or 24? How about a niece or daughter? Nothing is for free. These young girls are forced to date much older men because the young ones just fool them, make them pregnant, and disappear back to the US, Europe or Australia, leaving them with fatherless kids. Very likely that she if pressed doesn’t know her real father. Plus add to that the fact that there is deep racism there against dark-skinned natives, who become the servants, maids and ‘yaya’s’ of the whiter more mix-bred families.

    To them you are a ticket out of poverty and a chance at bringing in some white blood. Did you happen to see under what conditions she and her family live? For them it is survival, period. There are even two forms of talking. Honest inter-family “just us” Tagalog and Bisayan…and English, to tell foreigners what you need to to get what you can from them.

    This is not a scam but a fact of history. The RP is and always was, the most strategic group of islands in the Pacific, a fact known by the early explorers from Spain and China who started the whole process of impressing them with their foreign relative wealth, conquering them, and then keeping them intentionally poor to have strategic control of the islands, with the not so ignored side benefit of taking a swath out of the young beautiful women there. This is a behavior that to them, benefits all parties, and of which you, a good man, bear no direct responsibility.

    Both you and the girl are hapless victims of manipulation and delusion…hers that foreigners are made of money, and yours, that at your age, a girl just out of HS and college and theoretically starting her life wants to spend it tending for some once-good-looking retiree (had she not been impregnated by some younger irresponsible local or foreigner who, without any enforceable child support rules, is left to care for one or more children of children). What girl like that really wants to actually even have sex with a guy who’s lived his life and close to or already retired?

    You know I have even heard it from girls there that the most ideal foreign man is rich, old near death, and already sick with some progressive illness of old age…to minimize her time with him, and inherit his relative ‘fortune’ when you die. This is not good nor bad. It’s a fact and an observation about what happens in one particular generally poor country steeped in useless tradition, like the Catholic mores against any form of birth control there, that even the Pope has questioned after his recent visit. It’s part of the drama that happens all over the world when wealth inequality exists between two colliding societies, made even more prevalent now, with the Internet.

    I hope this is some helpful information. Its intent is to respectfully inform and explain, and to neither criticize nor vilify.
    (reposted by request)

    1. Nice insight thanks sir. I’ve had so many young women message me and I tell them nobody that age in my country is interested. they say age isno problem.

    2. Ken G
      sorry to hear that scammer but not only in the Philippines and dont blame the country its a person seeking his lover/lover why dont you search first before you choose and take and dont make gossip that scammer in that country because all over the world are spreading that bad character and be careful to go with a person if you dont satisfy then if you satisfy why then that you make a gossip in public no need to force go to another country and search so that you can compare what the world going on and if you want that kind of life take a risk period.


  11. I have to say that there are online all kinds of people including the normal good ones: Unfortunately dating sites are full up with the ones nobody wants already or the scammers. If you pay attention on at what time are they online and for how long you can get to the conclusion that a lady on a normal living way having to work and respect the work time table, will not be able to be online at 4 o clock in the morning one and every each day. Plus a person without a way of living man or woman is not a good option to be with. I had talks with hundreds of ladies online, some of them were too ugly! other´s wanted to make money out of me, others were too good to be true,others had already a few kids without a father, and finally i had met a few good ones and i decided to marry one. My wife is as simple and normal as any one on so many families i know here , she came here after we married, but i have to say that i could see that she was really working and not lying. I had talks with her bosses because they wanted to know that i was really a normal person too and i met them in Singapore and married there in my embassy and the bosses and family went to our celebration. It was not easy because it´s very complicated to do all the documents and so on but in the end when i went to the airport in Madrid to wait for her she really appeared happy and sweet as she is. There are no scammers in her family, they all are very much normal as any of us. It was quiete a long time and many faces i had to see until i got to the right one for me, today a few years later i still thinking that it was a really adventure, but with an happy ending.

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