Insurance Scammers are Awesome! (New 2015)

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Dash Cam insurance scams, incredible compilation! Auto insurance scams are more common than you might think.
. 10 Driver T-Shirts: .

This is why russians and asians need dashcams in cars. There are people that try and scam, but unfortunately for some it doesn't go according to plan.

If you become a victim of car insurance fraud, you pay. It is important to learn more about fraud protection so you can protect yourself from others who may choose you to be a part of their next car insurance accident fraud scam.

It's a good thing the drivers had a dash cam because insurance scam attempts were just pathetic.
Have you ever wondered why so many cars are equipped with dash cams? It's because insurance scams, where pedestrians make themselves get hit by a car in an attempt to get money, is way more popular than it should be. If the vehicle did not install a dash camera, this insurance scammer (pedestrian) would have gotten what he want.

90 Comments on “Insurance Scammers are Awesome! (New 2015)”

    1. maynard Pan is it really that hard to press space after you use a comma?

    2. I suhc toes her. You read that wrong hello this correct?or wrong?please teach me . Thank you .

    3. Lanzo trolling isn’t the way to go when you are witnessing the unwitnessed— I troll.

    1. I just love the human race. This is just one reason why I wouldn’t mind if there was a camera on every street up and down recording every angle.

  1. If that ever happens to me, the first thing I’ll do is play along and call the police to ‘report an accident’ while in fact I’ll be calling them to arrest the person for attempt of insurance fraud.

    1. Apparently, there is no insurance fraud law in those countries. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be doing these low life scum stunts

    1. DC_Train Oh I agree with you 110%. I honestly don’t give 2 sh!ts about these ppl the only one that triggered me and got me fuming and raised my blood pressure to the point where i wish I could reach in the screen and beat the living f*ck out of, is the woman who threw her child in the road to be hit instead of herself. It wasnt even a light throw he hit pretty hard. I mean its one thing to toss yourself but dont endanger a child so you can score sympathy points,attention by bystanders/media/social media and the most important… money. Not only from the insurance but Also if the child was hospitalized/killed i guarentee this c*nt would’ve begged for money by gofundme or something to help “raise $ for the cost of either the hospital or funeral”. She’d get a lot too especially if it goes viral on social media/news etc.
      Its ppl like her that make this world a sh!tty place to live.
      Karma is a b!tch and she’ll get what’s coming.

    1. I say just stop your car infront of them then
      Get out the car and say : hey ur mom has a big gei
      Then kick em once

  2. This is low-key so funny! These people are THAT desperate for the “Ka-ching” they would really throw themselves in harms way. What if they died, too bad so sad…

    1. Hell, most of these were in China, they are trying to find people to pay them cash out of fear of possible cop involvement. If they were to die, no one would stop for them, and people probably wouldn’t even get out of their lane to avoid running the person over multiple times.

      There are tons of videos like that.

    2. Apparently in China, if you hit someone and they’re disabled you’ll have to pay for them for the rest of their lives. If you kill them, pay a compensation once and be done with it. So people who survived often get run over on purpose…

  3. I realize rice is not very nutritious. And poor nutrition can effect mental abilities.
    But are these people really this damn stupid? Or did they have to work at being so stupid?

    1. Frankiko Torres
      OH MAN!!!!! HAHA!!!! Yea, that HAS to be what these people were trying to imitate.
      The first impact… damn! lol

    2. China and Russia are one of the few enlightened nations which mandates dashcams on all vehicles hence most accident videos being from those regions.

    3. Well done “J”. You managed to focus on and only read one word out of the entire comment.
      Come back tomorrow for your gold star.
      Meanwhile, homework for the night is READING COMPREHENSION.

    1. Rafox66 I mean if you have ABS technology in your cars and bikes, it’ll prevent these fake accidents.

    2. No, if you have brakes you can avoid these accidents. You don’t need ABS, if you can actually brake properly you brake just as good if not better than with ABS. Assuming your brake pads aren’t worn out, but if that’s the case then ABS won’t help either.

    1. Right? “Well, I don’t want to damage my glasses – those are expensive! My ribs and limbs? Meh, they’ll be fine.”

    1. Mercio DeComercio
      Oh look, another brat who never drove a car yet here he is arguing in driving related subject.
      A pedestrian can cross the road at any point he wills assuming there arent pedestrian crossing regions especially set for it nearby, a pedestrian who is first on a road has the right of way, this goes for any other vehicle too, additionally you can pass the road at any intersection freely.
      Any car changing the lane at an intersection has to yield to any other vehicle or a pedestrian, no exceptions.

      And the car is changing lanes there is no doubt, you can see it clearly as it FUCKING TURNS LEFT WHILE THE ROAD GOES STRAIGHT AHEAD, are you seriously this blind?
      Ironic also you are a child who dosnt know a thing about the law after all. look at that.
      And you want me to argue “human behavior” what ever you understand by that vague term instead of law in a insurance scam video?
      The stupidity of kids today never ceases to amaze.

    2. googleslocik thx for all the info, but still, i don’t see it the same way as you. For me, there is no way the man cound have recieved a severe hit. You can see it by the actual hit, by his way of moving, by his reaction. For me, as a pedestrian, it would be unthinkable to even cross the road on a pedestrian path until the cars at both sides of the road are completely stopped. From a laws perspective, the driver is the one commiting a fault, I agree, but that wont make me see it as something fair. That’s why i’m scared of driving. Pedestrians nowadays, used to all this laws that make them almost untouchable, have lost all common sense on what they should be doing and should not do. Just because that man is doing what the law allows him to do, doesn’t mean it’s correct, or fair for the one driving. Moreover, we are only seeing one part of the spectrum. Who knows under what circumstances that hit mas made. Maybe we’re not even seen 1/5 of all the stuff that the driver had to be taking care of, making it imposible for the driver to see the old man, who appeared from a blind spot. Maybe that old guy and the driver have settled some type of unfair rivalty, as neighbours, and that old man is doing everything is his hand to lead the driver into an unfair situation to him (and maybe because of this he installed a dash cam, because, when you live in such an infrastructurally undeveloped town, is not something that common to buy). Or maybe, he’s just a rat that saw a perfect oportunity to rush in front of the car to get the insurance. We don’t know anything about the situation, and that’s why I will defend the driver until I get more information about that situation, because I can’t believe that he just wanted to harm that old guy without any type of reason, I just can’t.

    3. googleslocik so, you didnt read the part where i say: the driver is the one commiting the fault… anyways, go on with this conversation, you’re not making me change my mind. And by the way, for me, justice, obedience and respect are the 3 most important parts of a society, and if laws bring justice, i aprove that, but in that situation it might or might not be fair for the driver. It doesnt mean that i would not care about the laws, in fact, i will do everything in my hand to be sure that i wont bend any in any moment, but sometimes thing are unfair or not within our hands to control, and this one might be one of them. That’s why i think that there should be an investigation over that case, and, if everything was under the control of the driver, then make him pay the old guy. You can’t just go from one place to another accusing everyone without knowledge of the circunstances they were in. It would be unfair

    1. logan kincade actually, mostly chinese, because if you commit an accident and injure a person to the point that they are disabled, according to chinese rules, you have to take care of them for the rest of your/their life. What’s worse is that usually if it happens in a place without any witnesses, they just kill the victim so they only have to pay the fine and funeral.

      Imagine if you are really poor, would you give up a limb for being taken care of. I wouldn’t but I get it if most people would.

    2. China and Russia are one of the few enlightened nations which mandates dashcams on all vehicles hence most accident videos being from those regions.

    3. DM Wanderer Japan is a capitalist country, but it is a very nice place to work, even though there is some iffy jobs there, most of them have good/moderate pay.

    1. Melody Tongia

      For real ?

      But ya know, the more people who “sees” it, the more they believe it happens or in other words, the more commotion the guy makes mixed with his acting, the more people believe he really got hit despite them not paying attention and to better his chances with suing

    2. Yesy Y Juan

      Then again, you try having a 4 ton car run your foot over. Let’s see how quiet you keep. I knowm he didn’t really get his foot ran over, but imagine he did, y’all act like that’s a painless thing.

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