Banking – the Greatest Scam on Earth

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The Greatest Scam on Earth – The Money Scam! The Money Scam is hidden right out in the open, yet buried in complication and confusion. A retired banker describes simply, the world's Money Scam and the reason every country is now going bankrupt. Private bankers have stolen the money creation process, and whereas once our money was created by the governments, debt-free, it is now created out of thin air and issued as debt with interest charges. In today's banker controlled world, money = debt, debt = slavery and therefore money = slavery — our monetary systems have become systems of enslavement. Money is created out of nothing, issued as debt, not enough money is created for the future interest payments and inflation steals our savings. The money creation process should be taken away from the banks and given to the governments who can create money debt-free, interest-free. This is how it used to be done and we needed no income taxes. Finally, it is explained what we should do to stop supporting the money scam.

An oldie but a goodie. From the archives.
Enhanced sound from original version.

76 Comments on “Banking – the Greatest Scam on Earth”

  1. the banking pyramid scheme=enslavement for the people of earth. how can They print Cash and yet we the people still have low paying jobs/mounds of DEBT and most importantly live paycheck to paycheck!

    1. Faheem Prout figure it out, they keep the money for their selves money is power to them, poor people don’t count to them indeed it’s because of them the biggest part of the world is poor

    1. The Fed creates it out of thin air…then loans it to the usa government. The usa government then pays the treasury to print it.

  2. ALL TRUE,  but the bankers would nuke several cities if not the world before they give up their wealth and power.   It is their identity.  it is who and what they are.   

    1. Salnsd yep if they came out they would probably have gold crowns on their heads and their own army, joking aside.these rats would matipulate anyone or anything for money like it’s been said they don’t care who governs a country if they are in charge of the money

    2. Salnsd yep if they came out they would probably have gold crowns on their heads and their own army, joking aside.these rats would matipulate anyone or anything for money like it’s been said they don’t care who governs a country if they are in charge of the money

    3. They will end up in a world burnt to ashes floating on money and painting their mansions and yatch with blood..but in the end they will all go to hell.

    4. Salnsd I doubt it , they live on this planet and need us the people to survive . With all the money in the world and no people they are dead quicker than most of us would be

  3. how do people wake up when this great video only got 300K+ views while that beiber guy got like billions views? wake up people! Share this video!

    1. Zakri Rahman because most people don’t want to know about this!
      When one talks about any of this people get uncomfortable then
      Upset, then angry, then at the only person around!

    2. ? As long as people continue to see themselves as separate from everything else, they lend themselves to being completely enslaved. We can not separate anything from everything. Success depends on how well we relate to everything around us. Joy comes from that bliss of connectedness. I believe that unarmed truth and love will have the final word in reality. To love; you should have good heart. I am a good person until I see a person better than my standard of goodness. Being good is the progress towards a worthy cause. Love is God. Whoever lives in love, lives forever. How selfish it is to try to keep something forever? Love is all about nourishing, nurturing, sharing and expanding the love within you for all. The principle to which we adhere to is that we have kindness of love at heart for the whole of mankind.  As long as there is the unnecessary differences within us; we can not live peacefully so we have to eliminate all the unnecessary differences among us so we can love all. People abilities may vary but not there true love. If we love a person/ God for a reason then we love the reason but not the person. No reason is the reason to love the person because true love never fails. So do not compare or measure the true love as first or the last but love all truly. If you love people truly then you can understand people. If you don’t love then you don’t understand people at all.

      People are controlled by system why?
      The Cyclical Consumption is the current economy all over the World. It is making the scarcity problems of the earth finite resources to deteriorate day by day. Current Monetary System is legalised theft. Real money is Gold and Silver. Scarcity gives the money more value. Real money won’t lose it’s value. When Governments stay away from Gold & Silver then very easy to transfer the wealth / resources to upper class the Rich (Corporatocracy) Elite. When the Governments are printing out more new fiat currency with reserve banks, our old currency is losing its purchasing power everyday. They are printing millions of currency everyday. All governments and laws are existing right now to transfer wealth to upper class the rich elite. The USA Government & other Governments are in many countries, bailed the investment banks & financial institutions in 2008 against the majority of the people. There is no democracy in any countries. Because of the Money System based on profits motive only above all else even humans lives and well-being. So, we do not have freedom to protect our values with the money so on. The violence, bankruptcy & all the negativities are build into the Monetary System of our society. All are owned (including ourselves) by Reserve Bank. Which is private cartel the corporation. So, in legal system, we are legally considered as chattel the properties. They make money in the capital markets with our birth certificates. They do not consider us as Humans. That’s the truth. We are in the invisible war with the Elites (Corporatocracies). We have to fight for our Freedom. Resource Based Economy is the Solution. We have to declare the earth resources as the heritage of all the people of this world. So everyone has access to it. Please have your research about zeitgeist movement then you know the truth more. 

       Truth About Health/Drugs Industry Because Of It Your Life At High Risk. The drug industry is a 1/2 trillion dollars a year worldwide conglomerate. Almost 300 billions dollars just in North America. That is really big business. What would happen if everyone were well? There is no money in health. You see, good health makes a lot of sense but it doesn’t make a lot of dollars. Because everything they do is toxic. Every drug they use, prescription drugs, all drugs are liver toxic, bar none. If you’ve had amalgam fillings put in your mouth by dentists. It is highly toxic. There’s cancer because most of the chemos are themselves carcinogens. To view the tumor as the cancer and we know the tumor is not the cancer. The cancer industry is 200 billions dollars a year. The more work they get, the more profit there is. You have to dismantle; If the truth ever came out about what we would need to do. 30% of people of females in America are at risk of getting, will get cancer of the breast. The ones that are already dead have been grossly mistreated by the medical profession and by the government that supposedly is supposed to encourage free research and development of all possibilities. Why would medical doctors who studied medicine and practice medicine and are heavily funded by pharmaceutical companies why would they go and look into vitamins? That they never had the answer orthomolecular. And as more and more of our population start taking their health into their own hands, there’s going to be even more and more of changes. It can’t go on the way it is. The system is failing apart. We must make nutrition the primary prevention strategy for the population. You are what you eat. You are everything that you have ever done to yourself. The choices you make directly affect the outcome of your life. – (Food Matters Documentary in Netflix)

    3. Zakri Rahman misdirection my friend while people are watching a dancing monkey they walk around and steal your wallet.

  4. The stage is being set for a shockwave . . . as this is nothing more than a Central Bank confidence game . . . as long as you have the Casino shoving money into the players hands, the markets will rise . . . until the shockwave occurs!
    – Gerald Celente

  5. the irony is we pay taxes all of our lives so it is supposed to help the people in need and society. But once we were laid off and in need we don’t see the government helping us for longer than a year with the money we gave all of our lives to help them. It is the biggest scam of all time. If people had saved all the money they spent on taxes they could have helped themselves and didn’t need to fear unemployment for a long period of time.

    1. MrFloppy nope, your tax’s pay for castles in the sky because you sure as hell ain’t go pay your countries debts off ever, mind you that’s every country in the world who has any connection to the feds

  6. Funny, how most people think the “jews” are pulling the strings.

    The Roman Empire (Jesuits) is the source of all problems in the world. Sure they want to put the blame on the jews and thats why they will always hire jews to coverup their tracks.

    The jews are just pawns on the Roman chessboard

    1. The Jews have too much power. I wouldn’t give that much power to my puppets, scapegoats (whatever you want to call them) because they might then turn on me and use my tactics i created against me.

      Let’s say they’re in power though, what is their plan? Do they plan on pretending like they’re the saviors of humanity by somehow stopping the Jews and creating a better world for humanity then getting many people to flock to them and support them and idol them as saviors?

      Again i think the Jews are too powerful of a scapegoat and because of this i think it would have been very hard for “Rome” to maintain control over the Jews and everything else.

  7. Very basically true video, im a student of economy im about to get my bachelors degree in a year…this is so damn true its really sad…

    1. Money system used by the banking system is based and backed up by the imposed tax collectible endless cycles of slavery..

    2. Gorazd Vuk well do something about ittttt!!!!, before you turned into the same rat compliant to steal the people s money!!!! Ashhole.

    1. Exactly, but that’s whats going on. Idk where you live but in my country (U.S.) <1% of our population owns 99% of our country's wealth.... and apparently most people are either too gullible or just plain ignorant to realize it.

    2. There’s not many people who understand what’s going on. I also live in the United States and I remember Occupy Wall Street which opened some people’s eyes to the 1% wealth. But as you stated it’s the <1%. If it were 1% that would be 3.5 million people but it's more like the top 0.1%. I used to be a CPA who prepared tax returns for the wealthy. There were these 4 clients who were worth $100 million. They paid NO income tax even though they complied with the tax law. This is because the super rich are corrupt and pay off politicians. It's the Congress who creates the tax law. Some people work really hard and pay their fair share of taxes, but the super rich pay to create tax loopholes for their own benefit. I saw the movie The Big Short which shows how corrupt bankers are and how they own care for themselves. At the end of the movie it said that telling people the facts of what's going on is like reading poetry to them. It just bores them and they don't care. Unfortunately it's very true. I wish there was something I could do to help, but I have no power.

    3. You have a point…… There are a few people throughout history that have challenged the fat cats but took down one way or another

    4. ultimateluigi640 that’s in most countries, capitalist or communist it doesn’t matter that’s just how our current economy works.

  8. They told the truth, but they didn’t tell the whole truth! The villains have more in common than just being bankers!
    Also President Kennedy gave a cryptic speech about the evil doers and was prepared to put a stop to it but they had him killed…

    1. Tom Seward that’s exactly what they did,Lincoln,Kennedy, and there will be more, but be proud of your presidents that don’t take it all sitting down even when they know may cause themselves harm……

    1. OK.
      But what will take its place and what will we do with a crumbling modern society based on this system?
      Detail us a plan and what it will look like ….

    2. ? As long as people continue to see themselves as separate from everything else, they lend themselves to being completely enslaved. We can not separate anything from everything. Success depends on how well we relate to everything around us. Joy comes from that bliss of connectedness. I believe that unarmed truth and love will have the final word in reality. To love; you should have good heart. I am a good person until I see a person better than my standard of goodness. Being good is the progress towards a worthy cause. Love is God. Whoever lives in love, lives forever. How selfish it is to try to keep something forever? Love is all about nourishing, nurturing, sharing and expanding the love within you for all. The principle to which we adhere to is that we have kindness of love at heart for the whole of mankind.  As long as there is the unnecessary differences within us; we can not live peacefully so we have to eliminate all the unnecessary differences among us so we can love all. People abilities may vary but not there true love. If we love a person/ God for a reason then we love the reason but not the person. No reason is the reason to love the person because true love never fails. So do not compare or measure the true love as first or the last but love all truly. If you love people truly then you can understand people. If you don’t love then you don’t understand people at all.

      People are controlled by system why?
      The Cyclical Consumption is the current economy all over the World. It is making the scarcity problems of the earth finite resources to deteriorate day by day. Current Monetary System is legalised theft. Real money is Gold and Silver. Scarcity gives the money more value. Real money won’t lose it’s value. When Governments stay away from Gold & Silver then very easy to transfer the wealth / resources to upper class the Rich (Corporatocracy) Elite. When the Governments are printing out more new fiat currency with reserve banks, our old currency is losing its purchasing power everyday. They are printing millions of currency everyday. All governments and laws are existing right now to transfer wealth to upper class the rich elite. The USA Government & other Governments are in many countries, bailed the investment banks & financial institutions in 2008 against the majority of the people. There is no democracy in any countries. Because of the Money System based on profits motive only above all else even humans lives and well-being. So, we do not have freedom to protect our values with the money so on. The violence, bankruptcy & all the negativities are build into the Monetary System of our society. All are owned (including ourselves) by Reserve Bank. Which is private cartel the corporation. So, in legal system, we are legally considered as chattel the properties. They make money in the capital markets with our birth certificates. They do not consider us as Humans. That’s the truth. We are in the invisible war with the Elites (Corporatocracies). We have to fight for our Freedom. Resource Based Economy is the Solution. We have to declare the earth resources as the heritage of all the people of this world. So everyone has access to it. Please have your research about zeitgeist movement then you know the truth more. 

       Truth About Health/Drugs Industry Because Of It Your Life At High Risk. The drug industry is a 1/2 trillion dollars a year worldwide conglomerate. Almost 300 billions dollars just in North America. That is really big business. What would happen if everyone were well? There is no money in health. You see, good health makes a lot of sense but it doesn’t make a lot of dollars. Because everything they do is toxic. Every drug they use, prescription drugs, all drugs are liver toxic, bar none. If you’ve had amalgam fillings put in your mouth by dentists. It is highly toxic. There’s cancer because most of the chemos are themselves carcinogens. To view the tumor as the cancer and we know the tumor is not the cancer. The cancer industry is 200 billions dollars a year. The more work they get, the more profit there is. You have to dismantle; If the truth ever came out about what we would need to do. 30% of people of females in America are at risk of getting, will get cancer of the breast. The ones that are already dead have been grossly mistreated by the medical profession and by the government that supposedly is supposed to encourage free research and development of all possibilities. Why would medical doctors who studied medicine and practice medicine and are heavily funded by pharmaceutical companies why would they go and look into vitamins? That they never had the answer orthomolecular. And as more and more of our population start taking their health into their own hands, there’s going to be even more and more of changes. It can’t go on the way it is. The system is failing apart. We must make nutrition the primary prevention strategy for the population. You are what you eat. You are everything that you have ever done to yourself. The choices you make directly affect the outcome of your life. – (Food Matters Documentary in Netflix)

    1. Apollyon you’re and idiot for making this comment how dare you to say that think before you comment

    2. Thanks Mike. You’re exactly right and we have all been fed lies about Hitler. He created one of the greatest economies ever by doing what you said.  It’s bad to say  but in a way we in America deserve what we have today for helping destroy one of the greatest countries and leaders the world has ever known. Kennedy was trying to do the same thing and look what happen to him. We need to finish what Kennedy started.

    3. Mike
      I think bitcoin and other crypto currency are worth watching at least for now. I do like the concept of de centralized currency.
      Unfortunately bitcoin appears to be just like the stock market and other fiat currency with nothing to back it up but as promise.

      If you have sold information you can share with me that doesn’t include a sales pitch I would like to know more.

  9. Good video… I’m utterly disgusted… However, I believe the gold and silver industry is also a scam… We the consumers can never win 🙁

  10. Missed the fact that they only need to keep 8% of funds and loan out the rest, so they pretend to have more money than they have on the knowledge that people won’t all turn up one day and want their balance in cash. If you did, they’d be screwed because they’ve lent it out.

    1. Isn’t that what happened in the great depression? Then we paid the bill and they got their bonus.

  11. wouldn’t it be cute if everyone wanted to take out all of their money from all of the banks at the same time?

    1. We would have some serious bank holidays and capital controls. I’m down! This is what needs to happen in order to wake up the sleeping masses.

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